My Big Chop

I officially did my big chop yesterday, and I’m super happy!!!

Cutting off my relax ends probably toke me about 2 1/2 hours to do but it paid off. Its definitely going to be a new experience and I can’t wait.


Part 1:

Part 2:


I’m Baaaack

Hey guys, I’m officially back. I would have blogged sooner when I came back from my vacation but I was dealing with a personal matter which I won’t get into details.  But I’m here and ready to move on with my life. As you can see from the picture I have my crochet braids that I was talking about. I would have made a video of how to install them but I only did this to get my mind off of things going on. I’m sorta planning to do a mini installment on the crochet braids probably next month (cause I’m planning to take them out).

Weight-loss & Exercise   

The way people eat in haiti is definitely different from how americans eat. The time I spent done there my family and I ate 2 meals a day which was something I’m not use to cause I eat food like there’s no tomorrow. But this actually helped with my weight-loss. Because in the mornings its usually haitian bread with avocados (not mixed together), or haitian bread with eggs. Than for dinner (which was always around 2:00pm) it was always some kind of rice with either chicken or fish with there homemade bean sauce. When I arrived back home the next morning I checked my weight and I lose about 14 pounds!!! When I left I was 246 pounds and come back to be 232 pounds. I was super excited because I never seen my weight under 235. But now that I was back home I sorta started eating like I use to. But I somehow was able to maintain that weight even though I wasn’t working out. But I started to slip a bit. I would go from 232 to 233 back to 232 to my weight now which is 235. I was like “I cannot go down to 246.”

I started doing INSANITY the same day I started school this month. And I’m going to be straight up with you….this is hard, especially if your obese. I’m obese and some of the moves were hard to do and it was hard to catch up on. But it makes you sweat!!!! I tried following the workout schedule but I would end up doing one day skip two days. And I only did this for a week. So I’m restarting on monday, and following the schedule. And of course I will post before and after picture of my progress every 30 days since it is a 60 day program. With the meal plans is going to be a hard one because there’s nothing really good that I have in my house hold. And I don’t have any cash to go grocery shopping or anything like that at the moment. So I have to watch what I’m eating and doing with whatever I have in my house hold.


The vacation experience was something I’m never going to forget. Why I say that is because it wasn’t the greatest first vacation. My first plane ride wasn’t bad at all. I use to be a bit scared with the whole 9/11 attacks with the plane crashing into the buildings, or that something will happen to the plane while were in the air. I’m afraid of heights so you can kind of understand what I mean. But everything went smoothly which I thank god for. There’s so much dirty roads everywhere and uneven roads that the rides were very uncomfortable. The worst ride in haiti was when my family and I had to travel from Port-Au-Prince to my mom’s birthplace Cap-Haïtien. We get up at 2am in the morning and get to the place where there’s a van or buses that drives down there. Leave probably at 3am and get to my mom’s town at 2pm or 3pm. So thats like almost 12 or 13 hours or so. And your pretty much squeezed to death in the van with other people who’s going to Cap-Haïtien. Which sucked a lot. You don’t understand how much my butt was numb from sitting for hours (never again). My family and I almost died on our way back to Port-Au-Prince which I’m very thankful that everyone was ok. In my opinion haiti has ninja mosquitos. I know it sounds fun but they do!!! The first I got there and went into my room I was attack. My brothers and I were just fresh meat. At first I didn’t ever think it was mosquitos and I thought it was something else but when it was my last week before I went home from my second location I finally seen those ninjas. More than 5 of them. Now I just have marks on me from all the crazy itching the 3 weeks I was done there. Haitian people call you white down there when you not from there country. This lady my mom know kept calling me white and I refused to talk to that lady down there. She was pissing me off everyday. I had a few good times. I was just happy to get home to the states. I’ll post some pictures up later in the week from my vacation.

Missing My Hair

I’m not going to lie I really miss my hair. I had Senegalese twist for about 5 weeks now and I miss touching my hair. I have some new growth now which I like. Everyday I’m always looking at other women’s youtube channel and admiring there hair and grateful that I started this journey in january. Tomorrow will make it 7 months since my last relaxer and the beginning of my journey.

Next week is my last week in the u.s. Haiti is right around the corner into the hot tropical sun. I’m still trying to figure out how I will survive the heat. But as soon as I get back I’m definitely taking out my senegalese twist (but not right way though).

This Is Not Me

School on the other had will be starting soon and I had to really thing about what hairstyle I can do since I am transitioning. But I have discovered CROCHET BRAIDS!! I don’t think I ever heard that when I was growing up but it did exist back than. After watching a whole bunch of videos on youtube on how to do it was pretty easy just by looking at it. And so I decided to do it myself. Most of them use this latchet crochet hook which I couldn’t find at the store so I ended up buying a regular one. I bought 3 packs of Freetress synthetic braid – Bohemian Braid that was 20 inches and hopefully thats all I need. And needles and weave thread to thread up my own hair so its not randomly hanging when I put the hair in a bun. I can’t wait to do it but I’m definitely going to wait a little bit before putting the crochet braids in since I miss my hair a lot. But also not super late since schools going to start and I come back August 17 from my vacation.

Well I’m signing off for now. Ciao, Fritzna


*Update* I bought a crochet hook with a latchet on it

Senegalese Twist

So I got my senegalese twist today and I’m super happy!!! After like 4 1/2 hours of sitting in a chair and only going to the bathroom once its all done. I got so much compliments from women who were coming in and out of the hair salon. I originally planned to get longer senegalese twist but she told me it was extra money and I was like forget it, but when I saw how long it was anyways I was super happy. She didn’t make them too tight because I didn’t want her to. The only part that bothers me a little bit is the front parts on my head (the edges). So hopefully whenever I take this out the edges aren’t crazy and bald if you catch my drift. Anywho I haven’t gotten use to them yet only because it’s only the first day I got them but I’m not going to lie. Its hard to find a best spot to sleep on them. For right now I’ll say goodnight and keep you posted.

-Ciao For Now, Fritzna

Hair Feelings and Plans

This pass 5 months has been quite a journey. Transitioning hasn’t been easy of course but I’m learning as the weeks and months goes by. I haven’t cut my hair yet but I’m loving my natural textures. At one point I just couldn’t deal with the two textures in my hair and I just wanted to to either relax it or just cut off the relax ends and go full blown natural. But if I relax my hair I pretty much came a long way for nothing. And I wasn’t even ready to cut off my ends either. But my mindset soon changed and dealing with them both hasn’t driven me crazy yet. As for detangling its mad work. Honestly I think the easiest part to detangle is my natural roots than my relaxed parts. Funny right? I don’t know if anyone went through that but thats just my opinion.

I’ll be getting Senegalese Twist on friday the 15th of this month. I’m so excited!!!! I needed a protective hairstyle when I go to Haiti with my family in July to August. Plus I’ve seen this style a couple of times and on YouTube and I just love it. Especially when its really long I think its cute!!! So I can’t hardly wait. This is also my first flight so will see how that goes.

Any who, I’m teaching myself how to clean the Senegalese Twist before I get them in. I’m going to be in the Caribbean and I want to know what I’m doing.

– Ciao For Now, Fritzna