Vegan? Vegetarian? Can This Really Save My Life And Help Me Lose Weight?

Listen here, I am a straight up meat eater so don’t kill me!!! But I bought this topic up because I was reading someone’s post on a blog that I’ve been following for a while now and bought up some good points in it.  Like higher fiber in fruits and vegetables, low calories, low sugar, and guess what? You don’t have to send tons of money on food. If you want to learn more just go to the website below. I love her blog a lot and the information and food she makes looks great.


Anywho, yeah I want to actually try either the Vegan or Vegetarian diet. I remember I told my best friend that I wanted to do it and she just stared at me like  “girl… are haitian we eat meat!!!” I laughed a little but it lowed my motivation to do it so I never looked back. But actually reading that blog a few weeks ago and reading bits of this book called Veganist: Lose Weight, Get Healthy, Change the World by Kathy Freston is making me want to give it a shot.

But I won’t be starting this into the school year begins again. Like I said before in one of my post I’m going to go to Haiti in July-August and I know this people over there are going to feed me like crazy but of course I’ll control my portions. And hopefully by the time I come back I’ll find a new job that isn’t so stressful like the one I’m in now and will have a fresh start will everything.


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