Senegalese Twist

So I got my senegalese twist today and I’m super happy!!! After like 4 1/2 hours of sitting in a chair and only going to the bathroom once its all done. I got so much compliments from women who were coming in and out of the hair salon. I originally planned to get longer senegalese twist but she told me it was extra money and I was like forget it, but when I saw how long it was anyways I was super happy. She didn’t make them too tight because I didn’t want her to. The only part that bothers me a little bit is the front parts on my head (the edges). So hopefully whenever I take this out the edges aren’t crazy and bald if you catch my drift. Anywho I haven’t gotten use to them yet only because it’s only the first day I got them but I’m not going to lie. Its hard to find a best spot to sleep on them. For right now I’ll say goodnight and keep you posted.

-Ciao For Now, Fritzna

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